Chairs? Really? Yup, chairs. Comes within “ambiente”. Even the best- equiped nobleman is lodged somewhat inadequately on a plastic folding- chair. Something better suited is called for.
Fortunately larpers don´t have to be considerate about minor irrelevancies like “say, did these things really exist?” Because in reality “chairs for everybody” are a quite modern invention- and the widely popular bog- or stick chair (also called “viking- chair”) although admittedly medieval is from the african middle ages (mind you- I like them, but they´re not “authentic”). Who didn´t have a throne just sat on the floor or used benches, so- called “scissor chairs” or footstools (1-, 2- or 3-legged. Exclamation mark! Ever tried to relax on a one-legged footstool? If you´ve got dry ground as an alternative, spare yourself the experience).
However- I for myself don´t need that much reality: I like it padded with a backrest. Especially a backrest- nobody will like to go without for a few days.
That´s why I woluld recommend the“viking- chairs” for larp: they break our modern viewing pattern for “chair” and suggest “this comes from the past”. They are also comfortable (even more when padded), eat up little transport space and are fitting furniture for most of our characters.
So whoever would like to sit comfortably InTime should be more conscious of “does it fit into the setting” than “is it authentic”?