Chuchu´s claw

Chuchu can be found in the LarpeR-Ning- network (not in it yourself? Your fault) and demonstrates a way to transform hands- in this case for a asian character.
The translation for “Gaki” by the way is “hungry ghost”...
And the picture below shows a real human hand!


Birdlike claws/ talons for my KabuGaki "Rin"

But first a heartfelt “thank you” to latex-milk & Fimo*
*= a sort of air- drying clay that can be baked for hardening in your oven; well- known in Germany

And here´s how to do it:

First form finger-tips with talons out of Fimo- clay and bake them in oven

When they´ve cooled down, dip them in latex- milk. Don´t “paint” them with the stuff! One layer is sufficient.

When the latex is dry, the hull can be separated from the clay- form, but pay attention: untreated latex will stick together! Seal the latex- surface with talcum- powder before separating. It can also be pre- painted in the colour you want it to have later.
Roll the latex- hulls carefully off the clay- forms but seal the insides with talcum at once as they come off.

On the picture above you can see how the artificial digits sit on the real fingers. To make them solid enough to prevent them from flapping around I filled the hollow tips with cotton wool which also will absorb sweat. That brilliant or what? One can also add a few fragrance seeds as well.

Then the make- up is applied. The junction betweeen the real finger and the tip will be invisible as long as you keep the fingers in motion.

Latex is elastic and will stick to the fingertips if you build the tips a little tighter than the finger is wide. You won´t even need mastix*
*= a glue used to affix prostetic parts to skin


The manipulative ability of the hand is remarkably unaffected by the false fingertips. Holding a goblet or turning the pages of a book is possible.
And the effect of the elongated fingers is - to put it mildly- unsettling.

Thanks a lot for this tip!

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